Weight: 219.2
Well this weekend was NAGA...I refereed there which meant I was on my feet from set up(6AM) until tear down(10:45PM) with only two sandwiches eaten, a few gatorades/sodas/waters and perhaps three bathroom breaks...Needless to say, after having issues sleeping the night before (I got to bed at about 3:45AM, only to have to be up at 5AM) I am exhausted and broke down...Back hurts, head hurts, and my legs are just dead. I am really worried about being able to control my weight as I may not be able to work out how I wish tonight and tomorrow, and just how the wear and tear of all those hours ont he plane to Brazil may afect my performance...That said there were some emotional highs and lows that were even more draining...First off would like to say get well to my little pal Drew who was hurt on my mat...Luckily he has only a sore elbow and back and willbe back to training in no time...But I would like to apologize to him and his mother as I should have not allowed him to compete then...I will not again second guess myself, and thank God he is ok...I also was a bit upset at seeing some folks who just seemed not to have even a cursory glance on really essential basic skills and I will dedicate myself to making CERTAIN they at least understand the importance of these things asap!...Congratulations to two of my first three students who competed in their very first tournament...To do so in such a huge tournament is very commendable and I am very proud of them...Trevor did a VERY good job in his first match and even though he did not end up on the winning end, he really made me proud of him as his effort and skill were apparent against somenoe with a LOT more experience, and had him only a couple points from being on top!....Cory went in, and WON HIS DIVISION!...He is the first student of mine to win his divison at a tournament (George was the first to place as he took 2nd at the past Paul Halem tournament) and crosses another goal off the list! I thought I would have to give him a lot of direction, but he wasn't able to let me know he was starting his matches, so I had no idea he even had started until I turn around and notcie him behind the banner getting his picture taken with a huge smile on his face...I am even more proud of he and trevor for putting into effect their training on their own accord and doing so well! Congrats guys!!!
All that aside, the knowledge I gained from Marcus in our private lesson/rolling last Thursday is still floating through my head...I got a LOT from it that I am sure will have me working things out for the next few months....That said, I have a MUCH greater understanding of closing the holes I have and even got a compliment from Marcus that my technical level is "there"...I hope to be able to work what he gave me effectively and do well this upcoming weekend...Also talked with Steve Hall(Black belt under Royce Gracie) and picked up a few control pointers as well...Watching theblack and brwn belts I refereed this weekend showed me how the tightness in my game needs to be imroved, and I will do so...I am lucky enough to be able to have such good people around like Coach's Allen and Marcus, Professor's Fabio and Jacare'. and Steve Hall among others to mentor me in the gentle art...From this past Thursday I feel as if I have progressed a tad bit, though I have a long way to go before I am even close to being worthy of my black belt....I see this in the way these people and others I lok up to show their knowledge and skill....
Things are really difficult for me life/finance/emotion/health-wise but...I fight on...
Thought For The Day: "It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
Thought For The Day-2: Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather doing something in spite, of fear!
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