Weight: 203.4
Tonight made my 14th session of training in the last seven days...I feel it...Bad...Tryna act like I did when I first committed to attempting to work enough to make the improvements I wish to make in the time I wish to make them...Only was a few years back, but it seems like it was 20 years ago...The mind is willing but the body is weakening it seems...More on this later...
Tonight, Coach Allen left me in charge of class so I got to teach. I taught some spider guard counters after warm ups, then moved on to King Of The Hill drills...I ended up jumping in and getting work on a guard pass I'm trying to incorporate into my game....Well not really the pass itself as I have several variations on the knee up the middle pass...But more the transition from different guards to getting the knee and body position correctly to control the pass beginning...also to work on closing off all avenues to the opponent to be able to counter once I've started...This worked well but I have some more refinement to do...Once I got down into guard, my aim was to submit everyone with the elbow push to high guard to arm bar with the collar grab which allows for four options off it (cross choke/arm bar/triangle/omoplata)...Actually the Terminator Choke is something I've played with which can be done from here as well...But tonight the finish of the arm bar from high guard was the aim...I think out of about 10 or 11 rounds I got it 8 times...One that I didn't finish, I got the set up and got careless....Anyways...It's coming along it seems but I need to try it in some competitions and will see if it can be added to the tool box...
All that said, the fatigue is starting to show...On top of not getting enough sleep/rest, the wear of seven days straight doing two work outs per day got to me, as at the end of the rounds my forearms and legs were getting numb...The toe is feeling better but it still hurts like hell when I walk and I can't push off the ball of my right foot, so some of my game is limited...I had planned on keeping up this pace for another two weeks before dropping to 7-9 training sessions per week up until the week before Pan Ams if I can not find a sponsor for next weeks Abu Dhabi Pro Gi Trials in Florida! I'd really like to be able to go to that tournament as the division I'd be in would be filled with black belts most likely...Would be a great test with a chance to win $ and all expenses paid trip to Abu Dhabi...But, With all that's gone on, I just can't swing the ticket...That said, if I can't go, I still don't think I can keep up this schedule of training...I am really just fatigued...These ole bones just don't seem to take it like they used to...I need to look into some kind of supplements and clean up even further my diet, as even though I am fatigued, I feel that the results and rewards that will come from it will be good...Reason being, I am feeling like the more I am in the gym, the easier it is for me to make progress....Captain Obvious is who I am right? lol...It's just so hard to walk through hurting all day...Beside the toe, the shoulders and my neck still giveme problems all day as well....Well, pain is only temporary...No matter how long it lasts right? Will see what I can do....I fight on...
Thought For The Day: Pain is weakness leaving the body. Endure.
ive had good results using progenex recovery supplement. its expensive.
Try sitting in an infrared sauna 10-20 minutes a day.... and (lol) get more sleep. I know, not enough hours in the day, right? I find that the sauna really helps with my aches. Getting old sucks.
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