Back To the Future
Me With Alan Do Nacimento "Finfou"
Two Is Better'n One
The Alliance Old Fellers
The Attacking Closed Guard
I AM Bringing It Back
Weight: 201.2
I haven't been up to par on keeping the blog posts regular, and I promise to do so in the coming weeks. Just have had a few things go wrong in the everyday life like having no transportation, along with some personal things so I haven't had much time to get them in. All that said, after doing MUCH MUCH better than I expected at the European Championships and fulfilling one of my goals for the year, I am in need of a LOT of work to improve my game. Also, in need of making certain I improve, get in shape, and ready to go for the Pan American games. I haven't come across any sponsors, so I honestly don't think I will make it, but I figure, closing some of the holes in my game, in preparation for it, will move me along the line further towards the beginning of my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu travels: The Black Belt...
Speaking of sponsors, I have one of the best as far as equipment sponsors, I'd like to say thank you for the support provided for a long time now. When no one knew me (hell don't no one know me now! lol) they stepped up and allowed me to represent them, because they believed in me! This was done on a handshake and a word, and as for GIs and gear I have wanted for nothing. In addition to the gear, the friendship that came along with it means even more. That means a lot. To that end, I will not be participating in the super fight for that tournament in Houston, as is it being held to launch a GI company and they wished me to not only take advertising pictures in their GI, but to also compete in it at the tournament. Loyalty is a huge part f Jiu-Jitsu and in life. Nothing could be worked out for me to be able to compete without me breaking my word, so I will not be able to compete there. When God closes a door, He opens a window. That said, I am slated to have my first super fight in April at the Texas International Grappling Festival! So it's all good.
Speaking of open windows, I was honored greatly by being allowed to speak on my experiences at this year's European Championships for the Mighty 600,000 of
The Fightworks Podcast by Caleb (God Bless and Get Better Soon on the Knee!) ...I haven't heard it yet. I hope I didn't sound ignorant! This is the second time I have been honored as such! :) If you do the podcast thing, I have said before, and will say again, make sure you subscribe to
The Fightworks Podcast...It offers the biggest names in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and always covers the big and small events as well as great tips for those travelling the path of the gentle art...Even more flattering, is the fact I have one of my competition pictures up as the graphic for the article on this week's podcast! I'm all aflutter! :) lol Again: is the main site...Right now my article is on the front page, but as Caleb puts them out every Sunday, if you catch this later, here is the direct link: ...
Anyways...My training starts in earnest tomorrow for the Pan Ams...My guard passing needs work on becoming a lot more crushing and efficient, my sweep defense needs to be developed a bit more, and a lot of my sweeps and attacks that I do not use much from guard need to be more automatic. My take downs have taken a huge step forward. That said, I still haven't gotten the nerve to pull off a low single on some of the monsters I face lol. We will see how that goes, but, with the way people wish to pull guard on me, I am working to make that option a verydisagreeable one for my opponents. If i get it where I wish it to be, then my game will pose serious issues...On top of that, I really need to up my cardio, and work on my patience...Position before submission is a top tenet of the gentle art, and watching black belts, even when the pace is frenetic, they have a patience of postition that has them secure the position before moving on to whichever technique they are trying to implement. Patience in this manner, in fighting grips, and in setting up my submissions needs to be developed. This is not saying I am working on waiting or being more passive, but rather the opposite...I need to aggresively close off all avenues available to my opponent, quickly and effiiciently, and move until there is no option for them other than to capitulate to whatever I am attempting to make happen. My cardio needs to be worked on as well, that i may get to the point of those I watch and whose games I admire. My pressure needs to be constant, from any position, to keep my opponent on the defensive, while controlling their movements. To fight some of these guys in my divisions who are sometimes 25lbs heavier than I am, and much stronger, I must move up my cardio work...I will be starting more stretching in the mornings and evenings, and in my cardio work, i will do superset work from 8minute intervals with 3minute training using body weight exercises, jiu-jitsu specific exercises and calesthenics as well as adding fresh partner drills on specific rolling drills...I was very sloppy in my European Championships performances, and even though I achieved my objectives, the work I need to do is glaringly evident if I wish to evolve into what I aim to be....So....I fight on...
Thought For The Day:
Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life. Do not be concerned with escaping safely - lay your life before him.