Hadn't been feeling too well as of late (includes a bit of a stay in the hospital) in the past couple weeks...And have some internal issues emotionally and just in life in general that been weighing heavy on my mind as well...So, feeling like I need to "catch up" in my preparations for the Pan American Games, I decide to do a lil bit more than normal today...
Woke up at crack of dawn weighing 205.2...Hit the push ups (5 sets of 10-15)...Stairs (10 times 3 flights)...crunches (350)...Triceps dips (3 sets 12 reps)...box jumps (5 sets 45 seconds)...pull ups (3 sets hard grips 10 reps)...100 sprawls...
didn't eat...dummy move...
Went to work...didn't go eat breakfast as usual...was having a light day, and one of my coworkers who aggravates the hell out of me wasn't in today so work was ok...left and had what-a-burger chicken strips for lunch ...came back to work and still was waiting on some network traces to come back so I went to our gym...hit weights...100 more sprawls...15min rowing...curls(3sets 12 reps)...50 push ups...15 min on stair-climber...went back to the desk..finished one task and started work on the next...got a hunger pain...went to get some more food to eat at dickeys right next door...
Came to class after work...did the warm up and everything seemed ok....coach assigned me to teach the no-gi portion of the class tonight once the warm ups and technique drills were done...I taught the forced arm bar from mount and the side variation of it...then we played king of the mountain...Will post some video of it sometime tomorrow...This is one of my favorite games because not only does it test your stamina but it allows me to work my best part of my game...the guard....and eve now because i've gotten much more adept at passing guard...i'm loving it either way...so we start...and because there are a lot of beginners I reverse the first two guys...then for the next five it goes triangle, triangle, arm bar, triangle, arm bar ...had to do so as the guys all seemed to outweigh and or out strength me, and I needed to work on throwing my submissions faster since it's getting closer to tourney time...next guy up, is one of our white belts named Sam...he is strong as a damned Ox and has cardio for days and i'm blowed...(he is going to Pan Ams too...hope he does well as I am helping to prepare him..this is first year they are having white belt divisions at the Pan)..well once we start, i'm noticing that not only are my arms going dead as usual, but my vision is narrowing, sort of like when you are getting choked out...but i'm fighting through it to maintain what it would be like in a tournament situation...he presses on in his usual fashion...and eventually it's like my body just said..."eff it" and he passes......when i get up i am happy because he was using correct technique but i knew something was wrong...soon as i stand im dizzy as hell...i go to the back door and had to crouch and bend over ...felt like i was going out...coach comes over and opens the door to get me some air...eventually i get my breath back but not shaking the cobwebs...i don't make it back to the drills because of the long line (was a huge class tonight)...so i sit for a minute as it is time to grapple...Well...Jacob..the brown belt is here and I feel kinda obligated so he can have a good workout, as well as want to push through the feeling i'm having in preparation..so we roll...i think i did ok but i was tired as all hell...i think i started in bad positions both times..no submissions but i did get a pass and a reversal and he was up on me by a reversal in the first roll and the second he eventually got the same pass he always gets on me:(...I defended it better but not for long enough and not well enough at the end..though he did show me something else to try that i think works...Afterwards I couldn't do any of my customary post-workout cardio as i was feeling light headed but I got a few push ups, pull ups and some grip exercises...sort of like rows with a partner to strengthen your grip...u can see those above in the pictures...
Thing is..i feel horrible now...and dunno how my recovery time will be...I got to learn to throttle back...not sure what's going on with me health-wise but i have to figure that out too..today I will chalk up to overwork/over-training...I noticed that I was not mentally sharp at all during class nor rolling...hopefully I can get some good out of it, that is retained...
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