The Steve Halls Of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Faxia Preta e Faixa Marrom

One Of The Bravest And Most Inspiring People I Have Ever Met

Weight: 218.5
As you can see, by the weight above...I am officially a fat guy now! lol...I always wanted to get to about 225 or 230 but it's coming on too fast...Pan Ams is approaching...And I have to be 221 with the GI, which means now I have to watch what I eat, and perhaps hit the sauna Tues. and Wed. That said, I am sure to be able to hit my target weight in the next few weeks after Pan Ams, maybe even a tad bit more if I can put in on smartly. My thyroid is a bitch so while I am OK with it, just hope it doesn't start going the other way and drop me to my 2007 Pan Am weight (167.4 WITH the GI on!)...Trainign has been pretty decent, and it feels good now, being able to listen to my instructors and even other training partners, and being able to more easily assimilate/process/implement into my game the information quickly. Also able to discard better the things that will or won't work.
Had a birthday this past Thursday(March 19th), and I am STILL accepting presents! lol Hope to get a chance to actually party some before the 31st! As far as that though, I am feeling really old...Just tired and run down a bit...Recovery time is becoming an issue, So I must work a bit harder to combat that somehow...Found out that the intense pain I have been having with my right hand is a fractured bone, or perhaps two in it near the wrist. Chokes, especially lapel and cross chokes have become my favorites things to do from pretty much anyplace...That said, I have been having great problem with finishing recently because of the hand issues..This gives me problems everywhere...from stand up to guard to passing...:( I have attempted to compensate but we will see how it goes..Luckily the drilling I do, I make every effort to be ambidextrous with technique, even over doing my weak side to make certain I can still operate. We shall see. I have some really good guys in the open and in my division. The one thing though, making weight will have me at the very top of my class for a change.(I normally compete in Super Pesado to make certain I do not miss weight while being able to eat, but normally end up in the mid to low Pesado range, if that.)...I am confident though. I will Go Gettem! I will do what I do.
Work with Marcus gave me some new insight on to passing some different guards effectively and relentlessly but with a conservation of movement. Black belts make things look so simple. Coah Allen has worked with me on passing X as well as some positioning tips for control...I am much better for the personal attention to detail as well as the rolling with them as I learn so much from even just watching them work, I have been able to gain a better understanding of my weaknesses and move now to eliminate those holes.
This weekend I got some more great tips on passing, positioning and control from Steve Hall (Royce Gracie Black Belt) ...Dude is a wealth of knowledge and gave a GREAT seminar for free at this past NAGA tournament which I refereed along with him in Atlanta. It was really a good trip and that I got so much knowledge on things I need to work on made it even better...
Also learned lessons in perseverance and in appreciation for life and the gift of this Art which I have been given...There is a kid (I will get his full name as soon as I can as I don't have it here with me as I blog.) who competed at the NAGA event and got third place in his division. Doesn't sound like much? Well the fact is, he is completely blind. I was honored to meet him, and that's my picture with him which we took prior to his last match. It really inspired me to see his attitude and watch him move so effectively and push through what could easily be for any of us, an excuse to sit around and do nothing but mope. For any who train, for any who struggle, for any who wish to do accomplish anything, just know that there are people like this kid who show us that the things we use to keep us from what we CLAIM to want, are really nothing. I had a guy on my mat get injured with a serious neck injury(Nick). He had been competing with fused vertebrae in his neck, and on a routine defense of a guillotine, he may have popped that fusion or worse, though I pray it is only a severe strain. Sitting with him waiting for the ambulance and trying to get him calm and ascertaining his situation really had all sorts of things rushing through my head. Cherish each moment you have to do what you love. Do not allow things to get in the way, but also take care of yourself when it is something that could be life or death. His wanting to compete with that sort of injury was foolhardy but also showed that just to be out there sometimes is much more important to us than we can ever imagine. I attempt to push through a lot, but I really do not work hard enough. I allow things to stop me that should not. People ask why I do this. They want to know why I punish myself, though I do not consider it to be so. One day I will be old, and I already have a lifetime of regrets, promise unfulfilled, and a trail of dreams never realized because I lacked the fortitude, focus, and perseverance to make them happen. After witnessing this guy and the little man with so much heart, I can't in good conscience ever have an excuse to not put forth my effort in the best manner possible until I have at least accomplished my longer term goals. Think of these guys when the next time a sore muscle, or a headache, or a personal life problem takes you away from your passion whatever it may be. Do not allow your joy to be stolen by your own hand. For the people who cannot walk, who do not know the joy of being able to just run outside in the fresh air, or play. For those people who dream to be able to be the best at something but are relegated to watch and hope and not even be able to partake in their passion. For those who waste God's gifts. For all those people and all those reasons, I will finish what I start and begin the journey to where I dream of going. all this has been a test. All the injury, pain, frustration of day to day life. It goes away when on the mat. That is a peace I cannot get elsewhere. I can't allow myself to fail, falter, or quit when I see those who can't sitting and wishing. When I see those who should not be able to, move way past their wildest expectations, I know what I have to fight on...
Thought For the Day:
"Either DO, or DO NOT!. There Is no try!"
Though For The Week And Pan Ams: I want to be able to whoop somebody's ass knowing that I whooped their ass because I whooped their ass, not because I needed help whooping their ass. That's the type of ass-whooper I am, you feeling me?"