Weight: 205.2
Training has gone well, but the fatigue is just overbearing now. I am hoping to make the Abu Dhabi Pro GI Trials in Florida this weekend. I am hoping if I do, that I can at least give a decent performance. Even though when I've done my competitions style and situational rolling, I've been successful, I've also noticed that the physical fatigue has been having my mental game a step or so slow. Had someone I respected tell me I needed to take a good break. The way I feel, I probably need a long one. Had a chair massage for about 20 min, and had them tell me afterward, that I needed at least an hour and a half to two hours to work my problems out! LOL...There is a tournament I have to ref and perhaps compete in March 7, and Pan Ams coming up at the end of March. On top of that, belting me has been discussed if I can win at Pan Ams and at Masters/Seniors (July). I've never done well with that kind of pressure on me, and it sits in the back of my mind:(. I don't know how I have the time to take a break and be able to perform as I wish, as I have so much I need work on. On top of that, even as much as I am fatigued, I feel like I do not work hard enough nor work out in sufficient quantity to do well. Not too talkative right now, but will write more throughout the weekend! Oh, and make sure you check out my boy Marcus Hicks on the WEC telecast live this Sunday. He fights Rob McCullough...Can't wait to see Marcus take him out and get back on the track to the Championship belt!
Thought For The Day: A time comes, when silence, is betrayal.
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